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"child superpredator
"network of mutuality"
"permanently incorrigible"
"Racism & Psychiatry"
"stress of injustice"
"take their feet off our necks
$405 million to reduce crime
$588/day cost
1.4 million in US prisons
10pm citywide curfew
12-17 out of justice system
13th amendment
13-year-old arrested
1990s super predator myth
1998-2019 parole purgatory
2.3 million incarcerated
2/3 detained & mental issues
200K serving life sentences
240k detained or committed
25% use of force complaints
2nd Chance CTA program
3 key elements briefs
3 strikes laws
31 states bar juvenile life
33% increase felony recidivism
40yr. mandatory minimum
4th amendment
4th District Appellate
6th amendment
80% of prosecutions
800 released life sentences
911 call analysis
911 calls
911 psych emergencies
99% of incarcerated youth
a just response
A Way Out Program
abolish court fines
academic credit transfer
access to counsel
access to justice
access to witnesses & evidence
accumulation of stress
accuracy of facial cues
accused youth on waiting list
acts of service
Adam Toledo
adapting to remote court
Addressing Chicago violence
adequate funding
adolescent brain
adult court
adult jails
adult prison risk
adult recidivism
adult transfer
advocacy storytelling toolkit
advocacy toolkit
after prison
after school violence
AI police tools
AI surveillance
alleged police misconduct
all-night interrogation
alternative model
alternative strategies
Amara Harris
American rescue plan act
analysis of 5 decades of data
ankle monitor
anti school shootings funding
anti-gun violence program
anti-psychotic medication
anti-racist practices
anti-violence coalition
anti-violence strategies
Appellate Court opinions
Arbery trial
are violent youth redeemable
ARPA funding detention center
arrest alternatives
arrest deaths
arrest diversion
arrest rate & school funding
arrest reduction
arrested 10 year old
arrests in school
art & juveniles in system
art in prison
Arthur Audy Home
Article VI Juvenile Court Act
aspects of justice
assess services
assessment & strategies
at risk
at risk youth
at-risk youth agency
attorney access
attorney present
audio/video recording
audio-only trial violates 6th
autistic juveniles
automatic life registration
avoid school- prison pipeline
BAH Award
Bail Project
bail reform
Baltimore judges
ban on junk science
ban on physical restraint
ban the box
Behavioral Health initiative
behavioral health services
behavioral program reform
Benton IL
best books on incarceration
best run juvenile detention
better behavior over exclusion
Beyond saving
bias investigation
bias training
biased punishment
Big Prison Myth
big prisons in small Illinois
bigotry in youth justice
black drivers
black girls
black girls seen as older
black girls v. white girls
black heroes
black history
Black lives matter
black mothers of victims
black teen death
black youth in foster care
black youth summer programs
block detention review motions
Bloomington IL
Bluhm Legal Clinic
Bo Deal
body cam affects use of force
body cam fails
body camera transparency
body cameras
body cams
body-cam avoids ambiguities
Books not Bars
both welfare & justice systems
boxing instead of gangs
brain injuries & system
Brandon Johnson
break juvenile offender cycle
Breonna Taylor
Bring Chicago Home
broken database
broken juvenile prisons
Buffer's sentence reduced
Cabrini Green
campus violence prevention
cannabis criminalization
cannabis decriminalization
cannabis racial impacts
capacity for change
capital defense
car stops
car theft in Peoria
car theft task force
carjacking in Chicago
carjacking spike
case backlog
Cash bail
cash bail end success
cash bail ends
cash bond ending
cavity search
cell phone protection
Central Park 5
Centralia Correctional Center
challenge court decisions
challenge to de facto life
challenging police
Champaign Urbana
changes to SAFE-T Act
channel compassion properly
charcter evidence
charged as adult
charging for public defenders
charging teens as adults
Charles Staffer
Chicago arrest process
Chicago curfew
Chicago curfew for minors
Chicago DCFS
Chicago gun violence
Chicago High Schools
Chicago history of segregation
Chicago homeless
Chicago mayor
Chicago PD
Chicago PD deny rights
chicago police
Chicago police budget
Chicago police corruption
Chicago Police Council
Chicago police dept
Chicago police gang database
Chicago police misconduct
Chicago police reform
Chicago police reforms
Chicago programs
Chicago public school
Chicago Public Schools
Chicago reentry
Chicago schools
Chicago shootings
chicago suburbs
chicago survivors
Chicago violence
Chicago west side
chicago westside disinvestment
Chicago youth
Chicago youth justice
child mental health
child offender reintegration
child police interrogations
child porn victims
child poverty in IL
child protection division
child trauma due jailed parent
child welfare system
childhood trauma
Children & Family Justice
children of color
children of the state
children tried as adults
Choose to Change
Chrystul Kizer
Civil Rights Data Collection
client-centered defense
close youth prisons
closed residential beds
coalition for fair sentencing
coercive interrogation
coercive plea bargaining
coercive plea bargains
combat 60% recidivism
Committee on Equality
communitiy policing itself
community base efforts
community disinvestment
community immersion
community intervention
community responder movement
community training academy
community-based justice
community-based services
compassion motivates
complexity of gun violence
concurrent sentencing
conflict resolution
Consent Decree
constitutional right
constitutional rights
continuum of support
convicted felons to vote
cook county
Cook County Detention Centers
Cook County jail
cook county PD
Cook County Prosecutor
Cook County Sheriff's office
Corey Stingley
corrupt policing
cost effective & beneficial
cost of youth incarderation
costly ticket to school kids
costs of detention v. program
counteract bias
counties fund incarceration
county-based social services
county-run detention centers
court fees
court fines & fees
court fines and fees
court involved youth
court jurisdiction age
court v. diversion program
court watchers
court-involved youth
covid & juvenile detention
covid & juvenile justice
covid confinement
Covid effects on jailed
covid impact
covid prison releases
covid vaccination
covid vaccine
covid-19 impact study
CPD tour North Lawndale
crime costs in Chicago
criminal history manipulation
criminal history on college ap
criminal justice bill
criminal justice key to freed
criminal justice reform
criminal justice system
criminal law
criminal law reform
criminal record impact
criminal record penalization
criminal reform
criminal reform strides
criminalization of addiction
criminalization of poverty
criminalization of youth
criminalize black youth
criminalize mental health
criminalize poverty
criminalizing youth
crossover youth
curtail youth violence
custodial searches
Cuyahoga County
cycle of poverty disrupted
cycle of trauma
cycle of violence
D.C. attorney general
dangerous confinement of kids
Daniel Taylor
data measures of reform
Data Snapshots
data-driven policing
DC gun violence
DCFS allegations
DCFS wards of the state
De Facto life
De Facto life sentence
dealing with youth in crisis
dean of culture & climate
deaths in prison
debt free justice
decarcerate strategies
deception research
deceptive interrogation tact
deceptive interrogation tactic
deceptive interrogations
deceptive practices
decline in arrest rate
decline of violent crime
decrease in violent crime
decrease juvenile prisoners
decreased new violence
decreased racial disparity
decreased restraints
Decreased shootings
decreased suspensions
decreased youth incarceration
decriminalize addiction
deemed throwaway humans
de-escalation reform method
de-escalation tactics
defelonization bill
defend the defender
defender conflict of interests
Defenders reduce recidivism
defense team
defund police
degree of suspicion
delinquency as service-provide
delinquency system wage impact
delinquent youth mental health
demonization of blacks
Dept. of Reentry
detained after release
detained youth await hearings
detained youth undercount
detaining kids under 13
detainment minimum age
detention & false confessions
detention & psychiatric issues
detention 30 day limit
detention accountability
detention alternatives
Detention center allegations
Detention center education
detention covid releases
detention of 10-12 year olds
detention officers
detention reform
deter free expression
digital storytelling
Dignity in prison
Director of Reentry
disability bias
disabled juveniles
disabled youth arrest rate
discipline or abuse
disconnected youth
disguise of probation
dismantling of youth justice
disparate treatment
disparate youth sentences
disparity in public defenders
disproportionate prison rate
disproportionate punishment
diversion & deflection
diversion center gone wrong
diversion program
diversion programs
diversity in judges
diversity needed on the bench
diversity officer
DNA research
DNA testing
Do Not Call list
do what's right
DOC education
does intent matter
DOJJ facilities
domestic violence trauma
don't use racism as a tactic
downtown Chicago
Dr. King letter
Dr. King's legacy
drop in homicides
drop in police use of force
drug corners
dual involved
dual status youth
due process
Due Process during covid
due process violation
early child services
early childhood challenges
early mitigation
early prevention
early warning signs shooting
easy access to video & info
economic bias
economics of incarceration
education & prison
education affects recidivism
education lowers crime
education lowers recidivism
education saves public funds
Edwards v. Vannoy
effects of discrimination
effects of poverty on youth
Eileen O'Neil Burke
electronic monitoring
eliminate solitary punishment
eliminating poverty
emerging adult
emerging adult program
emerging adults
emerging adults & adult prison
emerging youth
empower juvenile defenders
encrypted radios
end cash bail
end delinquency for under 12
end of cash bail
end of gang database
end of physical restraints
end to life sentences
ending cash bail
ending extreme sentencing
ending school police
entering without a warrant
Equal justice initiative
erosion of idealism
Erwin Chemerinsky
escaping justice system
ethnicity detention data
evidence management
evidence-based approach
Evidence-based criminal law
evidence-based policy change
evidence-based practices
evidence-based reform
excessive caseloads
excessive force
excessive policing
excited delirium
exclusion of covid-conscious
ex-offender attends college
exoffender hiring barriers
ex-offender transition
ex-offenders mentor imprisoned
exonerated 5
expand behavioral health
expand juvenile precedent
expanded community policing
explicit image removal
exposure to violoence
expunge google records
expungement & sealing
expungement barriers
extreme juvenile sentences
extreme sentencing of youth
face covering in court
faces behind statistics
facial cues affect verdicts
facial recognition
facial recognition bias
facial recognition technology
failure to provide attorney
fair sentencing of youth
fair treatment during covid
fairness in justice system
fairness in sentencing
faith exempt avoids oversight
false arrest
false confession
false confessions
false forensic evidence
false guilty pleas
false imprisonment
false testimony
family court
Family Treatment Court
Farrell v. Harper
fatal traffic stops
father forgives son's killer
Federal Bureau of Prisons
federal executions
federal lawsuit
felons running for office
felony murder
felony murder rule
felony murder state
felony punishments
fentanyl overdoses
fewer kids tried as adults
fewer misdemeanor charges
filing appeals
fining school children
Finland justice reform
firearm possession
flawed forensics
foot chase engagement
foot pursuit policy
for profit education
for profit probation
forcible arrest of juveniles
forensic science
former asylum > youthdetention
former juvenile offender
former juvenile offenders
former offender board game
formerly gang-involved
foster care
foster care & juvenile justice
foster care & LBQ girls
foster care system
foster child placements
foster children
foster children in detention
foster kids held in detention
Franklin Cty. Detention Center
freedom & incarceration
freedom and foregiveness
Fulton County
funding public defense
Funding via cannabis sales
future criminality
future re-offender label
gang contracts
gang database
gang violence
gaps in services
gaps in system
Garien Gatewood
Garien Greenwood
Garrison School
gatekeeper of client trauma
gateway to legal system
gender bias
geofence warrant
George Floyd
get-tough policies
Gideon v. Wainwright
girls advocacy intervention
girls in juvenile justice
girls' justice
girls' justice day
girls' mental health
google criminal record search
Google warrants
Gov. Pritzker
Governors' Coalition
Grants Pass v. Johnson
growing up in prison
growing up with gun violence
growing use of tasers
guaranteed phone call
gun buy-back
gun felony
gun possession
gun possession reform
gun prevention
gun reform
gun violence
gun violence effects on youth
gun violence prevention
gun violence reduction
Halt Solitary Confinement Act
handcuffing youth
hard to contest sentencing
harm of drugs being a felony
harm of felony on record
harm of superpredator lie
harsh parole restrictions
harsh sentencing
harsher discipline infractions
Hate Groups
HB 1381
HB 2389
HB 3414
HB 4609
helping hard to reach men
Henry Montgomery
high incarceration rate
high juvenile arrest rate
high risk racial bias
high risk youth
higher education in prison
high-risk yout
high-risk youth recidivism
HIV at risk
hold youth in detention long
holding accomplices accountabl
homeless youth
homicide victim's family
homicide's effects on reform
hope behind bars
host homes for youth
housed in adult prisons
household digital data
housing crisis
housing disparity
how to combat racism
human rights of kids
humans v. penal bureaucracy
Humboldt Park
IDJJ Transformation Plan
IDOC death
IDOC emerging adult
IDOJ steps for youth & covid
IL budget cuts
IL civics & juvenile system
IL civics for incarcerated
IL Clemency
IL covid report
IL criminal justice bill
IL DCFS sued
IL drug possession laws
IL earned credit law
IL felony murder rule
IL gun laws
IL Innocence Project
IL Juvenile Detention
IL juvenile detention centers
IL Juvenile Facilities
IL pardon of old crime
IL parole
IL parole system
IL police reform
IL police reporting to the FBI
IL prison mental health suit
IL Prisoner Review Board
IL Prisons
IL public defenders
IL Supreme Court
IL traffic stops
IL Transformation Model
IL Youth Center Chicago
IL Youth Center in Lincoln
IL youthful parole bill
illegal detention reform
Illinois emerging adults
Illinois prison doctors
illinois prisons
Illinois supreme court
immature prefrontal cortex
Impact for Equity
impact on juvenile justice
impact on victim's families
impact v. fiscal cost
impacts of mass incarceration
impacts of trauma
implicit bias
implicit bias & policing
implicit bias training
implicit racial bias
improve effectiveness
improve lawyer access
improve system performance
improve youth outcomes
improving policing
incarcerated & Pell Grants
incarcerated firefighters
incarcerated girls' rights
incarcerated Latinix
incarcerated moms
incarcerated parents
incarcerated students
incarcerated voters
incarcerated women
incarcerated youth
incarcerated youth & health
incarcerated youth survey
incarceration & health risk
incarceration alternatives
incarceration as destructive
incarceration deaths
incarceration disparity
incarceration education
incarceration effects economy
incarceration impacts
Incarceration reduction
incarceration reform
incarceration trauma
incarceration violence
inconsistent licensing
increase recidivism
increased detention length
increased mental disorders
increases public safety
indigent defendants
indigent defense
indigent juveniles
indigent oversight system
indigent representation
individual risk-assessment
ineffective youth prison
info that impugns
inhumane youth prison
innocent people confess
insanity defense
intelligence-led policing
interaction affects image
internal affairs
internal doesn't match externa
interrogation length limits
interrogation of minors
interrogation techniques
intertwined school & policing
intervention in live shooting
intervention v. probation
investing in public defense
Island Civic Association
ISP disparity
IYC Harrisburg
IYC Warrenville report
Jacob Wideman
Jacob's Ladder
jail alternatives
jail incarceration
jailed for probation violation
jailed for status offenses
jailed juveniles
jails full with kids of color
Jane Spinak
JDRC caselaw summaries
Jesse White
Jim Crow laws
John Dilulio
John Lewis essay
Jones v. Mississippi
Journey to Justice
judge diversity
Judge Toomin
judges affected by geography
judicial court fees
Judicial Quality Act
Julie Biehl
july 4th violence
jurisdiction minimum age
jury psychology
jury racial disparity
jury selection racism
justice infrastructure
justice policy institute
justice reform
justice reform advocacy
justice reform advocate
justice system
justice system survey
justice text
justice toolkit
juvenile adjudication
juvenile age limits
juvenile arrest
juvenile brain
juvenile corrections history
juvenile court
juvenile court judges
juvenile court reform
juvenile court system
juvenile courts analysis
juvenile crime
juvenile defendants
juvenile defender resource
juvenile defense
juvenile defense matters
juvenile detendtion
juvenile detention
juvenile detention & the arts
juvenile detention abuse
juvenile detention center
juvenile detention centers
Juvenile detention partners
juvenile diversion
juvenile facilities
juvenile felon
juvenile fines & fees
juvenile first-time offenders
juvenile human rights
juvenile injustice
juvenile intake screening
juvenile interrogation
juvenile interrogations
juvenile judges
juvenile justice
juvenile justice & healing
juvenile justice act
juvenile justice bills
juvenile justice center
Juvenile Justice Commission
juvenile justice facilities
juvenile justice opportunities
juvenile justice patterns
juvenile justice reform
juvenile justice system
juvenile justice tool
juvenile law revies
juvenile law training
juvenile legal specialization
juvenile life sentence
juvenile life sentences
juvenile life sentencing
juvenile life without parole
'juvenile lifers'
juvenile mental health
juvenile mental illness
juvenile mentorship
juvenile offender challenges
juvenile police brutality
juvenile prison pipeline
juvenile prison reform
juvenile prison sentencing
juvenile probation reform
juvenile prosecution
juvenile recidivism
juvenile referrals
juvenile reform
juvenile release
juvenile restitution debt
juvenile self advocacy
juvenile sentences
juvenile sentencing
juvenile sentencing & race
juvenile sex offender
juvenile solitary confinement
juvenile suspects
juvenile system reform
juvenile transfers
juvenile trauma
juvenile v. emerging adult
juvenilecourt covid struggles
Juveniles at Angola
juveniles tried as adults
K-9 impartiality
Kane county
Kansas City
kate wesiburd
keep youth in school reform
Ken Burns documentary
Kentucky detention centers
ketanji brown jackson
kid lock-up ineffective
kid police station
kids detained after release
kids for cash
Kids Imprisoned investigation
kids in adult prison
kids in adult prisons
kids in crisis
kids of color detained longer
kids of the incarcerated
kids tried as adults
Kim Foxx
Knox County
Kyle Rittehouse
Kyle Rittenhouse
L.A. wild fires
LA County
lack of federal oversight
lack of services
Lake County
Lanphier High School
laptop surveillance
last resort for high-risk
Latinix youth
Law 360
law enforcement
law enforcement i school
law enforcement in school
law enforcement in schools
law enforcement training
Law limiting police access
law rests on precedent
law school debt
Lawndale Christian Legal
lawyer client relationship
lead exposure
least restrictive alternative
Left behind
legal system & future crime
legal system & LBQ girls
lengthy interrogations
lengthy probations
less deadly
less detention & less crimes
less present
less racist
lesson drug penalties
lethal force by police
LGBTQ foster care
LGBTQ youth in system
life after miller
Life After the Gunshot
life coaching
life imprisonment
Life sentence
life sentence for juveniles
life sentencing
life within violent gun cultur
life without parole
limit on isolated timeout
limit police in schools
limited interrogation
limited prosecutorial power
limits police intervention
Lincoln Developmental Center
Lincoln Laureate
Lisa Holder White
loan forgiveness
Logan County
long isolation is torture
longterm violence prevention
lost tax revenue
low level offenses
lower recidivism
low-income youth
low-level drug reform
Macon County
mandatory detention
mandatory life
mandatory minimums
mandatory supervised release
many de facto life are home
marginalized youth
Marlin Dixon
Mary Davis Home
mask mandates lifted
mass incarceration
mass incarceration of children
mass incarceration research
mass violence
mass youth incarceration
Mayor blames judges
Mayor Brandon Johnson
Mayor Johnson
McLean County
McLean Cty. Juvenile Detention
medcal/legal partnership
media's role in youth violence
mediation for police
Medicaid violence prevention
Meek Mill
mental health
mental health care in prison
mental health funding
Mental Health in IL prisons
mental health support for gang
mental illness
mental-illness justice system
mentally ill youth
Mentoring youth
Michael Broadway
Michigan shooting
Millennials affected by police
millennials affected by prison
Miller retroactively
Miller v. AL
Miller v. Alabama
Miller-Graham resentencing
minimum age
minimum age for prosecution
minimum age of detention
minimum arrest age
minimum detention age 10 to 13
minimum sentences
minor infractions
minor offenses
minority bias
Miranda & juveniles
Miranda rights for juveniles
Miranda warnings
misconduct records
misdemeanor expense
misdemeanor v. felony
misdemeanors & killings
misdemeanors & racism
mistreatment of black kids
model programs
momentum for reform
moms facing burnout
monitor malfunction
Montgomery v. Louisiana
more focus on DA actions
more likely to convict juries
murder & mental illness
My Block My Hood My City
My Brother's Keeper
narrows racial disparity
National Police Index
national racism
negative impact of racism
negative police behavior
neighborhood blight
neighborhood gun violence
neighborhood-based program
neuroscience of teen brain
new Chicago youth center
new forensic techniques
new IL law
New Jersey
new laws in Illinois
New Mexico
new program for defenders
new vision of justice
New York
New York lawmakers
NJ police reform
no cash bail
no categorical ban on speech
No Child is Born Bad
no detention for cannabis
no homework & detention
no jury trial for youth
no life without parole
no minimum age
no minimum age for IL youth
no police brutality claims
no police in schools
no risk to public safety
no safeguards
no telltale way to tell lying
no tolerance for guns & school
no-knock warrants
non-citizen public defense
non-criminal violations
Nonpolice responders
non-police response
non-retroactive parole bill
nonviolent felonies
nonviolent misdemeanors
North Lawndale
not committed until age 21
Not criminalization school act
not youth joyriding
NYC Partners for Justice
NYC public defender
Oath Keepers
Oct youth action month
old school junk science
oldest juvenile lifer released
online criminal records
online surveillance
Op Ed
Open prison allows attendance
opioid epidemic
opportunity for family court
oral arguments
Ottawa IL
out of jail back in school
out-of-school programs demand
outreach strategies
overmatched public defenders
over-policing of minorities
over-provide services
oversight needed youth prison
overuse of pretrial detention
overworked public defenders
pandemic & parenting
pandemic impact
pandemic impact on youth
pandemic relief
pandemic relief funds
paralyzed youth
parent or attorney present
parental incarceration
parents arrested kids truancy
Parkland shooting
parole boards
parole hearings for under 21
parole meeting
parole possibility now
parole/probation reform
Partners for Justice
past crime & college entry
Paula Wolff
PD Campanelli replaced
PD occupational stress
peace warriors
pell grant eligibility
Pell Grants
pell grants for prisoners
Pen America Prison Writing
penal system
People v. Aikens
People v. Buffer
People v. Harris
People v. Hester
People v. House
Peoria female inmates
Peoria Re-Entry Program
Pere Marquette IL Youth Center
peremptory challenge
peremptory challenges
perils of probation
petition for parole after 20
petition for removal
Philadelphia reform
phone mining kids
phone mining loophole
phones mining data
physical restraint
plea bargain is system
plea deals
Point Source Youth
police "criminal crews"
police & remote learning
police access to cell phones
police accountability
police algorithms
police alternatives
police alternatives in schools
police back on campuses
police bias
police brutality
police budgets for policing
police call limits
police coercion
police commands
police data analysis
police deflection
police deflection programs
police fatal force incidents
police google searches & law
police history
police in Chicago schools
Police in public schools
police in school alternatives
police in schools
police interaction guide
police interaction with youth
police interrogation
police interrogation abuse
police interrogations
police misconduct
police misconduct tracking
police oversight
police policies
police policy
police reform
police reform legislation
police reform Sonya Massey
police shooting
police shootings
police stop & use of force
police stops
police stops & youth trauma
police strategies in schools
police technology
police ticketing students
police traffic stops
police use of google searches
police violence
police/mental health partners
police-free schools
police-related fatalities
police's roles in schools
policing reform
policing strategy change
Policing the Teen Brain
policy violation
poor arrest reporting
poor defendants & fair trial
poor defendents
positive intervention
positive police interaction
possession charges reform
Post Conviction Integrity
Pot legalization
potential police violence
potential probation harm
Precious Blood Ministry
predictive policing
Pres. Obama
pretrial detention
pre-trial detention
Pre-Trial Fairness Act
pretrial jail time
pretrial juvenile detention
pretrial release
pretrial retention
pretrial services
pretrial system
pre-trial youth detention
pretrial-detention& recidivism
prevent delinquency
prevention strategies
Prison & healthcare
prison alternatives
prison boom
prison calls' cost
prison facilities
prison gerrymandering
prison guard misconduct
prison health care crisis
prison healthcare
prison pipeline
Prison Policy Initiative
prison rebuild
prison recovery program
prison reform
prison slavery
prison stories
prison sweatshops
prison system
prison without parole
Pro Publica
probable cause
probation & recidivism
probation = open-air prison
probation gateway to system
probation guidebook
probation meeting
probation reform
Probation System Review Guide
probation toolkit
probation v. attendance
problen solving court
progress of science v. law
progressive prosecution
progressive prosecutors
prohibit strip search of youth
prohibits solitary confinement
Project Oz
Project Success
Project Unloaded
prolonged solitary confinement
property tax hike
property value decline
prophylactic rule
prosecuting kids as adults
prosecution age limit
prosecution ethics
prosecution of youth
prosecutor reform
prosecutor role in reform
prosecutor-led incarceration
prosecutors' reports
protect youth in justicesystem
Protecting Household Privacy
psychiatry & racist past
PTSD & recidivism
Public Act 102-0011
Public Act 110-1182
public defender
public defender advocacy
public defender burnout
public defender compensation
public defender march
Public Defender retention
public defender shortage
public defender system
public defender task force
public defenders
public defenders prone to STS
public defenders' role
public defenders support BLM
public defense reform
public defense systems
public good v. individual
punishment before conviction
punishment fit crime
punishment fit the crime
punishment-oriented system
punitive probation
punitive v. rehabilitative
Quad Cities
qualified immunity
race & legal system
race & risk factors
race gap
race relevant in police stop
race relevant on seizure issue
racial bias
racial bias & justice reform
racial bias & police stops
racial bias & use of force
racial bias for black girls
racial bias of system
racial bias towards black girl
racial disparities
racial disparity
racial disparity in confinemen
racial disparity in poverty
Racial disparity in schools
racial disparity study
racial disproportionality
racial equity
racial equity initiative
racial imbalance in juries
racial inequity
racial injustice in courts
racial justice
racial justice activism
racial justice advocacy
racial profiling
racial re-examination
racial trauma
racialized character evidence
racialized policing
racism & mass incarceration
racism & segregation
racism as mental health issue
racism in schools
racism in technology
racist interrogation tactics
radio broadcast
rage of innocence
raise awareness
Ralph Yarl
rap lyrics
rap lyrics at trial
rap music and criminality
rap sheet shortcomings
rate of rearrests
Rayshard Brooks
Readi Chicago
reallocate police funds
recicivism decline
recognizes students in crisis
Redeploy Illinois
Redeploy program
redistricting appellate courts
reduce justice system contact
reduce long sentences
reduce misdemeanor caseloads
reduce recidivism
reduce structural biases
reduce use of force
reduce wrongful convictions
reduced gun violence
reduced incarceration
reduced racial disparity
reduces mandatory minimums
reducing recidivism
reducing teen crime
reentry challenges
reentry programs
reentry success
reform-minded prosecutors
regional juvenile detention
rehabilitation over punishment
rehabilitative options
reimagining police
rejecting discrimination
release with conditions
released kids lack of housing
releases not cause of violence
remote hearings
repeal Pell Grant ban
repeat sex offenders
replace suspensions in school
representative jury
repurpose the pain
request for attorney ignored
research-based criminal policy
resentencing hearings
Resolution 504
resonates into adulthood
resource officers
resources for public defense
respecting community
restitution debt
restorative justice
restorative justice court
restorative justice foundation
restorative justice in schools
restorative justice options
restorative justice practices
restorative justice program
restorative sentences
restore youth justice programs
restore youth parole
restraint chairs usage
retaining minors
retaliation towards PDs
rethinking school discipline
retraumatize youth
Returning Residents' tool
returning to school after jail
reverse keyword search
review of old sentences
right to a public trial
right to an attorney
right to attorney
right to counsel
right to speedy public trial
righting a wrong
rights of accused
rights of immigrants
rights of incarcerated
rise in youth violence
risk assessment
risk factors for self-harm
risk-assessment, sex-offenders
risk-needs assessment
Riverside County CA
roadside drug test
roadside drug tests
Roberts court
robust data reporting
robust defense
robust diversion programs
Rockford school district
Rockford Setp-Up program
role of trauma
rollbacks on reform
Rosa Parks
Rule 23
rural access to justice
rural Illinois
Rutherford County
safe & inclusive classrooms
safety plan
safety plan for schools
safety traffic stops
Sangamon County
Sangamon county juvenile
saves communities money
SB 2333
SB 426
school & law enforcement
school alternatives to police
school as coping
school crime and safety
school discipline
school funding benefits
school officer suspended
school pipeline to prison
school police
school police replacements
school policy affect success
school referrals
school related ticket
School Resource Officers
School shooting prevention
school shootings
school surveillance
school suspensions
school to prison pipeline
school-based arrests
school-based host home
school-prison pipeline
school-resource-officer plan
schools call police on blacks
schools to deal with bullying
school-to-prison pipeline
science and the courtroom
Scottsboro Boys
SCOTUS & justice setback
SCOTUS empowered police
SCOTUS subverted civil rights
search warrant
seclusion punishment in school
second chance
second chance for youth
second chances
second look laws
secrets get buried
self-care & justice
Sen. Sims
sentence review laws
sentenced as adults
sentencing algorithm
sentencing review units
separate young adult court
services for pretrial released
settlement agreement
sex offender reentry
sex offender reform
sex offender registry
sex offender rights
sex offenders
sex trafficking
Sexual Abuse
sexual abuse and girls
sexual abuse and prison
sexual assault in detention
Sharone Mitchell Jr.
shift in school discipline
Shobha Mahadev
shoddy data
situational decision-making
SIUC criminology program
slavery & incarceration
sleep deprivation v. torture
slow rate of release
small towns & prison
smaller juvenile facility
social media & police
social media & teen violence
social media against guns
social media exploitation
social media threats
social safety net
social services v. crime
social work
social-emotional learning
social-network algorithms
solitary confinement
solitary confinement ban
solitary confinement study
southern Illinois
special ed for incarcerated
special ed in detention
special education
special education in prison
special needs school kids
special needs student
specialized correction
specialized training needed
speedy trial
speedy trial deadlines
St. Charles Youth Prison
state ID card upon reentry
Stateville Voices
statistics v. dramatic events
statutory threshold value
stop & frisk trauma
stories matter
Stratton podcast
strong economic incentives
student arrests
student drivers
student homelessness
student mental health
student speech outside school
student support advocates
student ticketing
student trauma
sub-circuit court bill
substance abuse
suburban drug war
sue police for Miranda denial
sufficient attorneys
suicide rate of released
super predator
superpredator lie
superpredator lie & racism
superpredator myth
supervision & recidivism
Supportive Reentry Network
Supreme Court
supreme court nominee bias
suspect's rap sheet
suspended suspensions
suspension & expulsion & jail
suspension of speedy trial
systemic discrimination
systemic racism
system-involved youth
tailored solutions
Take It Down
target adolescents
targeted populations
Targeted traffic stops
targets minorities
taser training for police
taser use on youth
Tasing juveniles
Teen Challenge
teen court diversion program
teen decision-making
teen false confession
teen mental health
teen pot use not increased
teen summer jobs
teen takovers
teen violence
teens carrying guns
terrorizing charges
text message reminders
The Crime Report
the First Step[ Act
therapist-led discussions
therapy for low-income kids
This is Our Lane
threatening stereotype
Times investigation
TN Bill threats of violence
TN broken juvenile system
TN Juvenile Court
toll of gun violence
tools to render fair judgments
tough on crime
tough on crime policies
tough on crime policy
tougher on crime movement
tough-on-crime sentencing
toxic media myth
traffic stop
traffic stop audits
traffic stop reform
Traffic Stop Statistics
traffic stops
traffic stops ineffective
transferred intent
transferring inmates
transfers to adult court
transformation in prison
trauma & juvenile court
trauma impacted youth
trauma-focused treatment
trauma-informed advocacy
trauma-informed care
trauma-informed services
trauma-related therapy
Treatment non Trauma
treatment of youth in facility
treatment program diversion
trends in youth violence
troubled teen reform
truth about lying
trying youth as adult
trying youth as adults
two-tiered justice
U.S. incarceration
U.S. truancy
U.S> incarceration crisis
UIC Crime lab
unarmed motorist killing
unarmed motorists
unconstitutional to juveniles
under 13 lock-up
underage possession
underfunding public defenders
undoing of 6th amendment
uniform youth sentencing
unlawful detention
unnecessary detention
unnecessary detention harm
unsafe juvenile institutions
unvaccinated IDOC workers
unwarranted youth detention
urban areas
urban centers
Urban League
Urbana IL
Urbana PD
use of force
use of force against children
use of force data
use of force investigation
use of force on youth
use of force revision
use of metal detectors
use racial stereotypes
use-of-force data
vacated conviction
vaccine mandate
varying stay for same offenses
vehicle stop and search
victim compensation
victim costs
victims hurting victims
video court unconstitutional
violence & cover ups
violence blamed on bailreform
violence intervention
violence prevention
violence, trauma & mental
virtual court
virtual hearings
virtual surveillance of kids
visualize path
Vocal Justice
voting and felony convictions
vulnerable youth
vulnerable youth offender
wage impact from incarceration
waive Miranda rights
ward of the state
warrant policy change
Washington DC
Washington state
water shutoff punishment
Waukegan police
Waukegan police record
weaken online security
welfare reform
well-trained public defenders
west side
Wexford Health Services
white suburban youth
who defends public defenders
who has been harmed?
who pays for justice system?
why people are locked-up, U.S.
Will County
Winnebago County
women police officers
won't prosecute kids under 12
world leader of incarceration
world report suggests 20 max
wraparound services
wrap-around services
wraparound services v. polie
writing to heal trauma
wrongful conviction
wrongful convictions
wrongful imprisonment
wrongfully accused
wrongfully convicted
wrongly accused teen
year-round youth programs
young juvenile crimes
Young Men Emerging Unit
young offenders
youth & community hub
youth & delinquency
youth & gun violence
youth & life sentences
youth advocacy
youth advocates
youth alternative activities
youth anti-criminalization
youth anti-violence
youth behavioral problems
Youth center misconduct
youth charged as adults
youth community-based services
youth court involvement harms
youth crime
youth crimes
youth curfew
youth curfews
youth decarceration
youth defense grant
youth detention centers
youth grievance procedures
youth illegally detained
youth in adult court
youth in adult court system
youth in adult system
youth in detention
youth in jail prevention
youth in public office
youth incarceration decline
youth incarceration reduction
youth incarceration\
youth isolation
youth justice
youth justice reform
youth justice storytelling
Youth Justice Transformation
youth killed by gunfire
youth less likely to be armed
youth life without parole
youth lock up
youth mental health
youth mental health challenges
youth mental health crisis
youth mental illness
youth mentor
Youth mortality stats
youth offender second chance
youth opportunities
youth placement
youth police exposure
youth prison reform
youth prison system
youth probation
youth probation reform
youth programs cut
youth questioning needs atty.
youth racial justice
youth recidivism
youth reentry
youth reform
youth rehabilitation
youth roundtable
youth sentencing reform
Youth Service Bureau of IL Val
youth sex exploitation risk
youth sex offenders
youth solitary confinement
youth success
youth venues
youth victims
youth violence
youth violent crimes
youth vulnerable to tactics
youth without stable housing
youth wrongful arrest
youthful parole bill
youth-involved justice system
youth-led advocacy
youth-on-youth violence
youth-related topics
youths in psychiatric ward
youth's level of risk
youths witness violence
youth-serving systems
Yusef Salaam
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